Creating map markers and symbols becomes a simple task with Symplicity.  Characters from any font installed on the local machine are easily manipulated into custom designs.  The resulting images can then be used to annotate static maps or referenced by style definitions in GeoServer or MapServer.  Every image has a surrounding halo so it stands out against any kind of background.  Saving a symbol generates a set of .png files in a variety of sizes along with a ".sym" file containing all the configuration parameters.  What could be easier?

Symplicity UI
  1. Use any installed font
  2. Preview and select a specific character
  3. Option to enter text instead
  4. Adjust font size and character spacing
  5. Rotate and/or flip character(s) as desired
  6. Adjust character position
  7. Select one of 10 symbol styles
  8. Select all symbol colors
  9. Choice of 3 color selection tools
  10. Live preview of all 6 output sizes
  11. Select the .png file sizes to create
  12. Use a unique name for saved files
  13. Open an existing .sym file


Symplicity is a 32-bit application for Windows:


Free symbol fonts are easy to find online.  Here are several good sources: